Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tough Love new Website www.ToughLove.com

The goal and objective of the TOUGHLOVE Program is to have a cooperative family in a supportive community.

TOUGHLOVE is a behavior modification program for parents. It teaches parents how to change their behaviors in order to effect positive change in their kids. With the TOUGHLOVE program you begin to make changes at your very first meeting.

The Three Phases of the TOUGHLOVE® Program

1st Phase: Awareness. Become aware of the negative influences that adversely effect families and the destruction that ensues.

2nd Phase: Taking Action. Parents understand and accept the fact that the most effective way to help their family is by changing their own behavior immediately. Parents allow other responsible adults to enter their life and accept the support needed to assist change and follow through with their goals.

3rd Phase: Continued Growth. As parents gain a better understanding of the program, they are able to give support to others and thereby develop a better understanding of their own emotional triggers and behaviors.

Parental Authority and Responsibility

Families cannot be democracies. A democratic family is more prone to chaos and crisis. A parent is not elected to the position of authority and there is no room for competition or election promises. A parent is given full authority upon the birth of their child

Parents need to be the clear authority figures in a family and bear the weight of responsibilities. It is important for parents to approach their authority and responsibility as that of a “Benevolent Dictator,” providing rules based on love and reasonable expectations and strictly enforcing them.

The New TOUGHLOVE® Program

Today’s parents are facing great challenges. Today’s problems and consequences are much more severe than those of previous generations. At TOUGHLOVE, we continuously learn from our peers and constantly innovate. We’ve created a new, updated and expanded program. The new TOUGHLOVE Program combines the elements of crisis prevention with crisis intervention.

Through the sharing of backgrounds and support, parents will develop an awareness of the tell-tale signs of potential problems early on. With a society constantly bombarding our children with negative messages, a parent can never have enough support. The more people involved, the better off the community will be.

We know that Parents need access to good information, active support and an awareness of the happenings in their own community. TOUGHLOVE® Meetings are comprised of dedicated people who are eager to share their knowledge, experiences and the skills they have developed to help promote enhanced family cooperation throughout their community.

Here’s what TOUGHLOVE is all about:

T Taking a Stand with a can-do attitude
O Owning accountability and responsibility for the decisions we make
U Understanding the problems
G Getting support to achieve our commitments and goals
H Helping others in a professional and standardized fashion
L Listening with respect for diversity and thus learning new behaviors
O Organizing support for the community
V Very strong feelings that we learn to manage
E Every week a new Bottom Line to achieve our Stand